Wamu and the guys fend off the weaopon wielding humans and kill who they can.

People around the world are reading Miki’s posts and responding either in solidarity or in negativity (does everyone read Japanese, or are they all reading auto-translated Instagram posts?) This entire Instagramming scene plays over another scene that I will get to in a bit.Īfter Miko and Miki make up, the demon-killing brigade has come. Miki is happy and reassured by this, that others are coming together to support Devilmen. Akira protecting humans while Miki instagrams.īut we also see others come forward that they are Devilmen. Yup, it’s just another day for a popular girl on social media. We also see someone doxxing her (it is likely the short rapper boy that had seen Miko’s bag with Kukun’s sunglasses–he had put two and two together that Miko killed Kukun). As she is typing this, we see people trolling her–some call her ugly, a “stupid Asian”, some insinuate that her parents had a vegetarian restaurant with human meat, that she is a demon-loving slut, and that Akira is playing her. If everyone loved like Akira, the world will be a better place. She writes that anyone that can feel empathy and can care for others, who can cry for others like Akira, is a wonderful person to her, be they human or demon. She writes that Akira is not the evil demon that people saw on TV. Just prior to this exchange, Miki writes on her “Nonstagram” social media thingy what will be her final post. They embrace, Miko having forgiven Miki and finding peace. Mike tells her that she knew about Miko’s feelings all along–Miko’s hate and Miko’s love. She became Miko, her name gone, forced to live in Miki’s shadow. Miko had been the fastest girl until Miki beat her in running, and with that went her confidence and identity. Miko has a heart to heart with Miki about love and hate. Miko goes up to talki with Miki and finally pours her heart out for her.
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Miki goes upstairs to pack some of her younger brother Taro’s things as a memento (his room was full of Devilman stuff, naturally). She happily accepts it, but states that she feels she will never see Akira again. Wamu, cool kid that he is, gives Miki his pearl earring as a safety charm. Miki will never see Akira again.Īfter he leaves, Miki, Miko, Wamu and the rest of the rapper boys realize they are not safe at the Makamura house and must leave. He’ll betray them later.Īkira decides that he must leave and confront Ryo to see what the hell he is up to releasing this video and making everyone even more dangerously paranoid.

However, Miki walks in the room and assures everyone that Akira is still a crybaby and a caring person at heart. Remember, too, that up until this point Akira had no idea that he had killed any humans–Ryo had carefully hidden this from him. The rapper boys understandably freak out as Akira weakly tries to tell them that it was not him killing people on that video, and though a Devilman, he would not hurt them. Also bad: he showed the video of Akira fusing with Amon. He has told everyone around the world to kill anyone fitting that description, which is pretty much anyone viewed as “odd”, anyone who has ever protested, or anyone just having a bad day. In particular, those humans acting strangely or dissatisfied with society. Ryo, who has risen in society to become a voice of authority I’m guessing from his natural charisma, has just told everyone that all demons originate from humans.
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Everyone left in the Makimura house (which is only Miki ,the rapper boys, Akira,and Miko) has just watched a special report on TV from Ryo. In the ninth episode, we start where the last episode left off.

For now, I’m going to give my recap (full of spoilers obviously) for the final two episodes of Devilman Crybaby. Hi everyone! It’s my final recap and review for Devilman Crybaby, though I may return to this story later in the month to add my additional thoughts.